Munster Competitions Pathway 2017-2020
The National Performance Director has introduced a new competition pathway which will be implemented in all regions from September 2017 and will ensure that competitions are streamlined throughout the country. This is a huge step forward and will be a very positive step in Irish Swimming. This document has been complied by the Swim Ireland Competitions Steering Group in conjunction with the Performance Department and will explain the pathway from the time a swimmer begins their competitive career until they reach National level competition.
Swimmers ages will be defined as their age on 31st December of the year of the competition. (For example, a swimmer born in 2005 will swim as a 12 year old during 2017 and a 13 year old during 2018). This applies to all competitions with the exception of schools which will be defined as 31st August of the school year.
Time Standards:
Qualifying Times: Where a meet has qualifying times, swimmers who have achieved these times will be accepted into that event.
Consideration Times: Where a meet has consideration times, swimmers who have achieved these times will be considered for entry into the event based on entry numbers. Swimmers who have not achieved either the qualifying or consideration times will not be accepted into the event.
Competition Types:
Swim Ireland have introduced a Domestic Competition Plan which sets out the competitions to be held Regionally and Nationally throughout the year. These are classified as:
(a) Intra-Club meets,
(b) Inter-Club and Club Open meets,
(c) Regional Development and Regional Qualifying Meets (these replace events that have traditionally been describes/defined by Regions as Graded Meets, ‘B/C’s Meets and/or Grade 2/3 meets will be be termed as ‘Development Meets’ by all Regions.
(d) Regional Championship and National Division 2 Meets (these replace events that have traditionally been described/defined by Regions as ‘A’ Meets, Division 2 Meets and/or Grade 1 Meet will now be termed as ‘Qualifying Meets’ by all Regions.
(e) National Meets and National Championships.
(a) Intra-Club Meets:
These are defined as meets which are confined to swimmers from within the host club. Swimmers must be 8 years of age in the year of the competition to compete in these. Times achieved at these meets can be used for entry to Inter-Club meets and Club Open meets.
Qualification standard; None
(b) Inter-Club and Club Open Meets:
Swimmers must be at least 9 years of age to compete in these meets. Times achieved at these meets may be used for entry into Regional Development and Regional Qualifying meets, specific Club Open meets may be used for Regional LC Championships.
Qualification standard; Defined by Club
(c) Regional Development and Regional Qualifying Meets:
Development Meets:
Swimmers must be at least 10 years of age to compete at these meets. In Development meets there will be no qualifying times but cut off times will be in force i.e. if a swimmer is faster than a cut off time they will not be eligible to compete in that event. All development meets will include 100m Ind. Medley. Times achieved at Development meets may be used for entry to Regional Qualification Meets.
Qualification standard; Cut off Times
Qualification Meets:
Swimmers must be at least 10 years of age to compete at these meets. Swimmers must have achieved the published consideration standard to be considered for entry (see time standards above). Times achieved at these meets may be used for entry to Regional Championships and if achieved in a Long Course pool in the Long Course season (1 st January – closing date) may be used for entry to the Irish Summer LC Nationals.
Qualification standard; Consideration Times
Regional Championships
Regional SC Championships;
Ages: Male 16 & Under, 17 & Over; Female 15 & Under, 16 & Over.
Swimmers must have achieved the relevant qualifying /consideration standards in Regional Qualifying meets or equivalent meets. Open finals ONLY. Times achieved at this meet may be used for entry to National SC Championships.
Qualification standard; Qualifying and Consideration Times
Regional Youth & Senior LC Championships:
Ages: 15, 16, 17 & Over.
Finals in each age group for all events with the exception of 400m 800m and 1500m events, which will be Heat Declared Finals. Entry times must have been achieved at Regional Development and Regional Qualifying meets or specific Club Open meets. Times achieved at this meet may be used for entry to Irish Summer LC Championships or National Division 2 Championships.
Qualification standard; Qualifying and Consideration Times
Regional Age Group LC Championships:
Ages: 11/12, 13 and 14 years.
Finals in each age group for all events with the exception of 400m 800m and 1500m events, which will be Heat Declared Finals. Entry times must have been achieved at Regional Development and Regional Qualifying meets or specific Club Open meets. Times achieved at this meet may be used for entry to Irish Summer LC Championships or National Division 2 Championships.
Qualification standard; Qualifying and Consideration Times
National Championships
Irish SC Championships:
Age Groups: Male 16&Under, 17&Over; Female 15&Under, 16&Over.
Age groups are for qualification purposes only. There will be no junior medals presented at this meet. Short Course Times ONLY, LC times or LC conversions will NOT be accepted. Qualifying times must have been achieved between 1 st December in the previous year and 6th November in the current year (or as per the meet conditions). “A” and “B” finals in all individual events with the exception of 800m and 1500m events.
Qualification standard; Qualifying Times
Irish Open Swimming Championships:
Age Groups: Male 15/16, 17/18, 19 & Over; Female 14/15, 16/17, 18 & Over.
Age groups are for qualification purposes only. There will be no junior medals presented at this meet. Long Course Times ONLY, SC times or SC conversions will NOT be accepted. Times achieved at Regional qualifying LC meets may be used for entry for this meet. Qualifying times must have been achieved between 1st July in the previous year and 19th February in the current year. Open and Junior (Male 18 & U, Female 17 & U) finals in all individual events with the exception of 800m and 1500m events.
Qualification standard; Qualifying Times
Irish Summer LC Championships:
Age Groups: 12/13, 14, 15, 16, 17 & Over.
Long Course Times ONLY, SC times or SC conversions will NOT be accepted. Times achieved at Regional qualifying LC meets, Regional Youth/Senior LC Championships or Regional Age Group LC Championships may be used for entry for this meet. LC qualification meets organised by Clubs can be used for entry for this meet provided they are approved for the purpose by Swim Ireland. Finals for all age groups in all individual events with the exception of 800m and 1500m events which will be heat declared winner.
Swimmers may NOT compete in National Division 2 Meet if they have qualified for this meet.
Qualification standard; Qualifying Times
Irish National Division 2 Meet:
Age Groups: 11/12, 13, 14, 15 & Over.
This meet will be held as a LC meet. Entry times must have been achieved at Regional Development and Regional Qualifying meets or specific Club Open meets. Qualifying and cut off times in each age group. The cut off time will be the qualifying time for the Irish Summer LC Championships. LC qualification times and SC conversions may be used for entry. Times must have been achieved between 1 st January and 18th June in the year of competition (or as per the meet conditions). Finals will be held in each age group in all events with the exception of 800m and 1500m which will be heat declared winner.
Qualification standard; Qualifying and Cut off Times